
Archive for January, 2019|Monthly archive page

new paper out

In Uncategorized on January 25, 2019 at 10:33 am

Djebrouni, Manel and Wolbring, Gregor  (2019) Impact of robotics and human enhancement on occupation: what does it mean for rehabilitation? in Disability and Rehabilitation (latest article section)

received research mentor award

In Uncategorized on January 23, 2019 at 8:31 am

I received the Fall 2018 Bachelor of Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine Research Mentor Award. Thank you to the Wolb Pack for making it possible!I I see it to be also an award for the students because if the students would not be receptive, my efforts would not work. The WolbPack reflects as much my vision as it reflects the vision of the students that make up the WolbPack.

a blog piece out:”Motivated Reasoning (MR) and the BIAS FREE Framework”

In Uncategorized on January 17, 2019 at 1:20 pm

Manel Djebrouni a Wolb Pack member and I published a paper “Motivated reasoning and disabled people” last year triggered by being part of the @risk project out of U-Ottawa, PI Monica Gattinger, We now wrote a small blog piece “Motivated Reasoning (MR) and the BIAS FREE Framework” reflecting on the paper especially on the BIAS FREE framework covered in the paper which was developed by Mary Anne Burke and Margit Eichler.