
Archive for September, 2020|Monthly archive page

Neuralink’s Wildly Anticipated New Brain Implant: the Hype vs. the Science

In Uncategorized on September 3, 2020 at 10:43 pm

link indeed will see where BCI will go in the end (not just neuralink but also the others saying to focus on it) and especially the invasive versus non-invasive part (my group published various pieces on BCI over the years) . Thanks to Reinhard Heil for sending me this link

Heritable Human Genome Editing | The National Academies Press 2020 report

In Uncategorized on September 3, 2020 at 2:06 pm

Link. Of course numerous problems as the whole gene editing discourse has, see 2016 piece from my group. The write up of the 2020 report and the trajectory we are on is no surprise

Wolbring, G.; Diep, L.(2016) The Discussions around Precision Genetic Engineering: Role of and Impact on Disabled People Laws5(3), 37; doi: 10.3390/laws5030037 

as to one semi-critical view on the 2020 report a NGO view but I wrote in numerous pieces that to just questioning the heritable angle is short sighted and as such having given up so much ground already it is no surprise that we see a move to make heritable and enhancement use of gene editing acceptable. In the way the discourse goes we will also see an higher level of instrumentalization of what is seen as a disease so moves can fit under the clinical intervention header, with a trajectory of open ended so moving beyond clinical once people are desensitized enough.

The promise and perils of synthetic biology take center stage in a fast-paced new Netflix series | Books, Et Al.

In Uncategorized on September 2, 2020 at 9:09 pm

link yes of course we have the whole gene-editing discourse and of course there is also neurohacking…. DIY science, citizen science …… IGEM related to synbio …. more and more things can be done by individuals at home. And we are not even close to how we deal with any of that.