
Archive for the ‘Artificial Intelligence’ Category

Next generation of the POWER KNEE(tm) in early release at Walter Reed Army Medical Center

In Artificial Intelligence, Bionic on April 21, 2009 at 11:02 pm

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Harvard Researchers Create Computer Language That can Penetrate the “Mind” of a Cell

In Artificial Intelligence, Computer, Information Technology, Synthetic Biology on July 26, 2008 at 6:50 pm

“Through incorporating principles of engineering, we’ve developed a language that can describe biology in the same way a biologist would,” says Gunawardena. “The potential here is enormous. This opens the door to actually performing discovery science, to look at things like drug interactions, right on the computer.”

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Study shows increased education on nanotech, human enhancement increases public concerns

In Artificial Intelligence, Bionic, Cogno, Enhancement, nano, Nanoscale on July 17, 2008 at 2:57 pm

Educating the public about nanotechnology and other complex but emerging technologies causes people to become more “worried and cautious” about the new technologies’ prospective benefits, according to a recent study by researchers at North Carolina State University.

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